Saturday, March 26, 2011

True Baby Bliss

Time after time I am privileged to be able to come into your life and photograph those personal, precious moments of those who mean the most to you. I am grateful for this experience seeing that it may not be the easiest task at hand for you when most of the time, you haven't known me longer than 15-20 minutes!

With saying this, it only seems fair for me to be able to share and open up a precious part of my life with you all as

My husband and I are expecting our first baby!

We are truly elated and cannot wait to become parents! Baby is expected around the end of September, which is actually the start of my busiest photography season so please plan ahead if you think you are wanting a fall session! I will still be doing fall mini sessions however spaces will be very limited so please start making your plans now and send me an email so we can get things finalized.

I plan on taking as many summer sessions as possible as well, regardless of my soon-to-be beached-whale size. So once again, start making your plans as summer slots fill up fast!

Thank you all for your support and excitement in this new, wonderful, adventure in my life!


Ruthie said...


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